A Glorious Fall

Arguably the fall colors in our part of the WV were nothing to write home about this year. It was a bit disappointing not to see the vibrancy and variety of colors generally worn by these mountains.  But here at Shayna Meadows, we still had a glorious fall, full of light and color, and we are kicking up our heels over it. October brought us seemingly endless days of beautiful weather which enabled a number of fantastic workshops and client sessions in the warm sun. It’s wonderful how horses soak up the heat from the sun and stay warm to the touch even hours later. We saw many “Aha” moments, many celebrations of healing, many new ideas tried and courageous steps taken. We also saw people learning new horse skills and people teaching the horses new skills. And the hours of horse grooming and the resulting shiny horse coats gave us our very own vibrant fall colors. We are grateful for all these moments to store in our hearts.

